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Joerg (Joto)
New Solitaire Player
Username: Joto

Post Number: 3
Registered: 1-2005
Posted on Thursday, October 30, 2008 - 4:53 am:   

Dear PGS-Team and Forum members,

i'm a long time satisfied PGS user and please notice, that i'm a visually impaired person.

My biggest problem is coloring. That means, i see something on the screen best, when i can use a black/dark background with white/yellow/bright foreground/font colors. I use this color combination as my windows systemcolors as well.

PGS is so highly customizable when it comes to color settings, that i have NO problem with this app. Thanks to GoodSol for this barrier free awesome product.

The only thing, when it gets difficult for me, is an important thing, the cards itself. When i play PGS i must quit after a few games, as my eyes begin to hurt from looking on the mostly white cards.

Now, after some years of using PGS, i am brave enough to beg and ask, if someone maybe will be so kind to create a special cardset for me (and maybe others with that problem).

As you can imagine, with my bad eyesight, i am not able to create it myself. :-(

What i need isn't a very artistic, detailed cardset. That would be mostly contra productive.

I need something simple with big symbols and, thats important, black or darkblue, or sth. like this, background with bright numbers and symbols.

E.g. the large symbol card set use big and simple symbols, but it has two no-gos for me. White background and missing symbols on the edges (i can't see what card it is, when its piled behind other cards).

Important is also a good contrast. So e.g. the new wood card set uses a not white background (but still too bright for me) but the pictures/symbols/numbers are not in good contrast with that background. And e.g. red hearts symbol on black background is also bad visible for me.

So maybe using a bright orange for the hearts symbol and numbers or maybe surrounding the symbols and numbers with a white border would solve this problem.

Or, using strange colors for the symbols (but good differentiated ones) for the different card suits is also a good solution. Like: bright orange = hearts, yellow = diamond, bright blue = clubs and bright green for spades e.g. In germany, such 4-color cardsets are used in official tournaments and within the ranking league for the german cardgame "Skat".

As i said, only the number and symbols should be visible in good contrast colors and should be as big as possible and seeable when the card is piled. I don't care for the graphics in the card middle (like the kings or Queens person picture) and i don't need any whistles and bells like textures (stained glass cardset and/or wood cardset) and/or photo realistic pictures (like cats cardset).

I know, its a very special wish which will not appeal a big audience at all. Only a few (even i alone) will use this, for others "ugly looking", cardset. But for me this would be a life saver and will help me a lot. And maybe make PGS a little more better and impaired friendly (even if it is already near perfection).

So i kindly ask if a soul out there will face the challenge of creating such a cardset for me?

*GoingIntoPuppyFaceModeNow* Anyone out there that will do, please? :-) I'd appreciate it so much you can't imagine.

Thank you in advance for your effort and kindness

I saw a feature in another Solitair program lately *DuckAndCover* (sorry for being anfaithful to PGS :-) ) that i find useful for my impairness too. Maybe Thomas can consider this as a feature for a future PGS version?

In the other solitaire app, there is, when the mousepointer hover over a card (even a piled one behind another - but only for faced up cards of course) for some time, without moving the mouse, a popup window appears beside the mousepointer, showing the card under the pointer in a very big view. This should be possible to enable/disable in the options and the time before the big view pops up (maybe the size of the big view and/or the position to appear - fixed, absolute screen position or relative to the mousepointer - also) should be customizable too. The big view should disappear when the mouse is moved again (please don't use a fixed timeout in seconds or sth.).

May i make this suggestion as a "we will think about that, seeing if its possible to do" to a good fairy or Thomas? :-)))

Thanks for reading this long post!

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